The Model 5461 Enviromental Chamber Desiccant/Pump Dehumidification System is a closed-loop drying system that uses a small diaphram pump to circulate air from a sealed enclosure through a 1-lb. indicating calcium sulfate desiccant. Moist air is drawn from the chamber through the drying column and returned to the chamber. This process is repeated until the desired humidity level is achieved. Levels <10% RH are achievable in sealed chambers up to 15 cu. ft. Designed for use with ETS 5000 Series Controllers and Chambers, the Model 5461 may also be used with other sealed enclosures.
- Easily to use
- Renewable, indicating desiccant
- Decrease humidity from ambient to <10% R.H.
- For chambers up to 15 cu. ft.
- Larger size desiccant systems also available